

我们相信W。&L education should be affordable for all admitted students. Our financial aid evaluation is not just a set of numbers plugged into a formula. We review each application and treat each family according to its circumstances. 所有一年级申请者, 包括国内, 国际和无证学生, are eligible and encour年龄d to apply for need-based financial aid.

W&L also offers competitive merit-based full-ride scholarships through the 约翰逊奖学金 Program and additional full-tuition scholarships on the basis of geography or special interest.

  • 100% — W&L meets the full demonstrated financial need of every admitted applicant entirely through grants and student employment, 没有贷款.
  • 0美元学费 — Undergraduate students with a total family income below $150,000 and assets typical for their income will receive a minimum grant equal to full tuition.
  • 6000万美元 每年发放的助学金. 我们的捐赠基金在全美排名前25位.S. colleges and universities allows us to provide need-based financial aid to the greatest number of students across the broadest range of incomes.
  • 59% of the entering first-year class received some form of financial aid, with an aver年龄 aid award of $67,857.
  • ~ 44个成员 of the first-year class will win a prestigious 约翰逊奖学金 — an $80,000 per year value.

使 收支平衡

我们的使命是创造一个W&L education affordable for all admitted students.



约翰逊奖学金 Program awards full tuition, room and board scholarships each year to up to 44 exceptionally qualified students regardless of their family's circumstances. Each 约翰逊的学者 also receives financial support for summer opportunities such as internships, 研究和独立项目. In addition to the 约翰逊奖学金, each year W&L offers several additional scholarships for which incoming first-year students may apply.



我们奖励机构, 联邦和州政府拨款外加3美元,000 in student employment to meet your individually demonstrated need. No loan will be offered to meet any part of your demonstrated need. Federal loans for students and parents may be offered as an option to cover the family's contribution.



Our generous grant pack年龄s meet the demonstrated need of our aid applicants, and only a fraction of our families choose to take out optional loans to cover the family contribution. Over the past five years, an aver年龄 of 67 percent of our undergraduate students graduated debt-free.



Any admitted undergraduate from a family with income below $150,000 and assets typical for their income will receive a grant equal to or greater than full tuition. Many will receive additional grant assistance to cover room, board, and other educational expenses.

优点 & (即


QuestBridge is an organization that connects the nation's brightest students from low-income backgrounds with leading institutions of higher education.



W&L is a strong supporter of veterans and VA educational programs, 包括黄丝带和学费补助. Students interested in participating in the Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) may do so through a partnership with neighboring Virginia 军事 Institute. Two-, three-, and four-year ROTC scholarships may be available. Currently, scholarships cover tuition and fees plus a significant stipend.

访问 & 可购性

Students with the intellect to excel and the selflessness to care should have the opportunity to lead.


At first glance, a private college education may seem out of reach. 我们鼓励你仔细看看.



对阿尔文, 赢得著名的, full-tuition 约翰逊奖学金 was “extremely liberating” because it lifted the financial burden and allowed him to take full advant年龄 of W&L的机会. 在W&L, Alvin majored in engineering and minored in poverty studies. 毕业后, he focused on global disease epidemiology while pursuing a master’s in public health at Johns Hopkins. Now Alvin is pursuing a doctorate at UNC-Chapel Hill.



Elizabeth was awarded a need-based, no-loan pack年龄 that covered her full cost of tuition. W .的地质学专业&L, Elizabeth earned a master’s degree at Oklahoma State and now works as a geologist in Dallas, 德州. “My financial aid award allowed me to be focused on school without constantly having to worry about loans or worry about my parents’ financial situation.”



A native of Mongolia, Lenny majored in computer science and German, with a minor in philosophy. 莱尼把他对户外活动的热爱和W&L’s extensive alumni network to land a job as United States Eng年龄ment Coordinator for the Swedish outdoor brand Klättermusen, 谁的CEO是W&L明矾.

Washington and Lee is committed to using the Principles and Standards of the 大学成本透明度倡议 在学生经济援助方面.